God With Skin On: Cycle C Sermons for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Based on the Gospel Texts
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God With Skin On: Cycle C Sermons for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Based on the Gospel Texts
Author: Susan R Andrews Retail Price: $16.95 Our Price: $16.95
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In these nineteen Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany gospel sermons, pastors can find ways to help expose to their congregations the truth that can transform the world: living a life that serves as light and hope.
Reverend Andrews says 'it is a privilege and joy to reveal a God with skin on -- a fleshy word that gets up off the pages of the Bible and walks into our lives.'
God With Skin On for Cycle C by Susan Andrews will help any pastor looking for:
fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
preaching illustrations
a clearer understanding of scripture passages
adult study and discussion groups
personal devotions and Bible study on each Sunday's readings.