Jesus came to serve , not to be served. But He also came to lead people out of darkness into lives of great godly influence in their homes, churches, schools, jobs, and communities. He has planted each of us where we can have the greatest impact upon other around us. There are books on the market about servanthood or leadership, but rarely are the two put together in one text. These have been connected in a practical and teachable fashion to help leaders and believers to know how to function as servants and leaders and greatly influence others wherever the Lord has placed them. Servant leadership principles are intended for all believers to live out in their daily lives and ministries, wherever that may be. You can and will impact and influence your world through these dynamic principles that Jesus taught. We are to be servant leaders at home, on the job, at school, at work, in church, in our communities and nations, and everywhere we go. Therefore, this book will teach leaders and believers the New Testament principles of serving and leading like Jesus so as to impact and influence people like Jesus also. Having lived in Eastern Europe during the height of communism, and being a part of the spiritual transformation now taking place there, the author lays out the biblical basis for transforming communities and nations through servant leadership.