Imagine the world standing still for a few moments. During these few moments, all the people in the world intuitively understand with complete clarity how their sinful actions and thoughts have displeased God how they affect their souls, weakening them and straining their beauty. And all the people in the world fear that God is about to pour out His wrath on them. The experience is so captivating that each person is completely unaware that the same thing is happening to everyone else. Through the experience is brief, it seems to last an eternity. Then, to everyone's relief, the experience ceases. God does not pour out His wrath. History does not end. Instead, life returns to normal. The purpose of this book is to defend three assertions. The first is that the sixth seal of the Apocalypse, in the final book of the Bible, prophesied this event, which I refer to throughout this book as a 'worldwide illumination of conscience,' more than nineteen hundred years ago. The second assertion is the various Christian prophets have also prophesied this event. The third assertion is that this event is going to happen soon.