The Guidebook to Going Around The Corner: Be The ONE Where You Live, Work, and PlayAuthor: Sheila K. Alewine and Todd M. Alewine Retail Price: $6.99
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WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU BELIEVED THAT A SOVEREIGN GOD HAS PUT YOU WHERE YOU ARE TO BE ON MISSION FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL? That you are the ONE He's strategically placed in a speci?c time and place, for speci?c people in whose hearts He is already working, drawing them to Himself? This book is a call to every Christ-follower to recognize our great obligation to those around us. Eternity is at stake, and our neighbors, co-workers, friends, classmates, and teammates need to hear the gospel. You are already sent into the ?eld. You are Obligated to your Neighbor's Eternity. God is calling you to be the ONE where you live, work and play. This little book is simply a tool, a guidebook, to help you take what you know about the gospel and share it. Take one step at a time and implement it. Before you know it, you will love those God has put in your life with Christ's love and be interceding on their behalf to the Savior. You will know them personally and be involved in their lives. You will be con? dent in your own story of salvation and be able to share the complete gospel. You will be the ONE to introduce them to Jesus.
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