The Election of God; The Command of God - Church Dogmatics volume 2.2Author: Karl Barth Retail Price: $275.00
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As the second book of the second part (on the Doctrine of God), this is the fourth volume in Karl Barth's massive set on Christian doctrine. In this volume, covering the DOCTRINE OF ELECTION, Barth emphasizes the freedom, mystery and righteousness of God's predestinating will, but he refuses to find its ultimate ground in a dark and unknown area of the divine will. The election is essentially God's gracious will to choose us for Himself as revealed and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. His eternal decree and His eternal Word are one and the same, and therefore the ultimate ground of election is essentially God's gracious will to choose us for Himself as revealed and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ, God has eternally willed to lay hold of man, and fulfilled His will, reconciling man to Himself. Thus election includes the atoning work of Christ as the Elect who bore our rejection, and the doctrine of election is regarded not merely as a part, but as the very sum of the Gospel. The sustained exposition of this theme, with its constant reference to Jesus Christ as the basis of the election of the community and the individual, is one of the most original, profound and moving in the whole history of theology.
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