The Miracles: Understanding What Jesus Did - eBookAuthor: Gary Inrig Retail Price: $9.99
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Miracles. Unless you've actually witnessed one, it may be hard to believe that they exist. Yet we have eyewitness accounts from the four gospels of thirty-five miracles that occurred at the hands of Jesus, with the mention that there were countless more never recorded. Although Jesus was certainly a miracle-worker, He didn't perform miracles just for show or to gain popularity. Jesus's miracles are marks of His majesty and revealers of His person. They are glimpses of His glory, authenticators of His authority, and expressions of His compassion. And while they obviously affected people's physical bodies, they more significantly met the needs of their spiritual condition. Gary Inrig invites you to take a closer look at the miracles of Jesus to see how they are central to our understanding of who the God-man is. His earthly life was, by its very nature, a miracle.
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