Author: Douglas J. Moo Retail Price: $65.00 Our Price: $35.75
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Requiring more than 12 years Douglas Moo's The Epistle to the Romans [NICNT] is considered a masterpiece of theological literature and is a flagship volume in NICNT series. Originally started under F.F. Bruce, Moo's project transitioned in 1990 to the editorial leadership of Gordon Fee and their combined effort produced a remarkable commentary.
Based on English text and yet integrating the underlying Greek at every point, this commentary focuses both on historical-grammatical concerns as well as on theological implications. Moo contributes to the ongoing debate on Paul's understanding of issues as Jewish law, the relationship between Jews and Gentiles in the people of God, the Christian life, sin, and justification critically interacts with the so-called 'the new perspective on Paul'.
Critical Perspectives
Traditional Interpretation of Paul (i.e. 'old perspective')
Christianity Today Top 25 Books of the Year, 1997.
About the NICNT
Purpose'. . . undertaken to provide earnest students of the New Testament with an exposition that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship and at the same time loyal to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.'
Objective and, ScopeSince its inception in the late 1940s by an international team of NT scholars, the NICNT series has become recognized by pastors, students, and scholars alike as a critical yet orthodox commentary marked by the best of evangelical protestant biblical scholarship.
While based on a thorough study of the Greek text, NICNT volumes explain all technical references for easy understanding. Authors evaluate significant textual problems, historical issues, scholarly literature, and explore theological themes. The most highly technical elements are generally dealt with in footnotes, excurses, or appendices maximizing scholarly interaction without exhausting non-academic readers.
HistoryUnder the editorship of three distinguished NT scholars, Ned Stonehouse (1946-1962), F. F. Bruce (1962-1990), and Gordon D. Fee (1990-Present), the NICNT series has become the most recognized series in the world. Its prestige is such that contribution to it bequeaths upon authors an elite scholarly status.
Fee's leadership has led to several new volumes in the series, including several of his own. As such, Fee has kept the NICNT conversant with contemporary scholarship. All volumes remain in an ongoing process of evaluation to determine the need revision or replacement, and recent years have reaffirmed this commitment.
Key Elements
Commentary Type: Scholarly-Academic w/ technical elements mostly explained in footnotes.
General Perspective: Moderate Evangelical (refer to individual authors)
Audience: Scholars, pastors, and students
Scripture: Inspired
Theological Tradition: Evangelical Protestant
Knowledge of Hebrew and/or Greek is helpful but not required