Dynamic and effective leadership is the key to growth and success in any organization, including the Christian Church. In The Making of a Christian Leader, Ted Engstrom explains that good leadership begins with a clear understanding of tested principles of management and human relations. Then, building on practice and experience in developing skills, the leader cultivates the qualities and personal traits that make good managers. 'When we decry the scarcity of leadership talent in our society,' Engstrom says, 'we are not talking about a lack of people, but rather a scarcity of people willing to assume significant roles and get the job done effectively. This book has been written to help the Christian leader get a clearer picture of what he wants to do and be in a church or organization - and how to get there.'
'Un lider no nace, se hace' asistira al lider cristiano a identificar conceptos y principios basicos que le ayudaran en la comprension de lo que el es y lo que debe hacer. Enfatiza tanto los principios de administracion como aquellas cualidades personales y virtudes cristianas que produciran los mejores lideres posibles para el presente y para manana. El contenido de este libro animara y desafiara a muchos de aquellos que se sienten mal-preparados o que necesitan un curso de repaso para ser todo lo que Dios quiere que sean y todo lo que su responsibilidad demanda.