The Trinity: How Not to Be a HereticAuthor: Stephen Bullivant Retail Price: $19.95
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The Trinity is Christianity's most basic description of who God actually is and who he needs to be in order to save us and is at the very heart of what Christians believe. The central idea of this book is that, contrary to popular assumption, the Trinity is a very simple doctrine. It consists of just three short, deeply scriptural convictions: i) There is only one God; ii) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all God; and iii) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not the same. The Trinity: How Not to Be a Heretic explains how the earliest Christians came to be convinced by each statement, why they matter, and how slowly, over a period of several centuries it found a way of saying all three at once. Its sole purpose is to help Christians of all kinds better understand the Trinity so that they can then help others better understand it too.
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