Mixed Bags: After DJ's mom died, she had to move in with her grandmother, Katherine Carter, a retired internationally famous '60s fashion model. Now Mrs. Carter has decided to open a boarding home for girls, and DJ who would rather wear her team jersey than Gucci and Prada thinks that these girls will all be intolerable fashion snobs. One by one, the girls arrive and begin to figure out how to fit into this new lifestyle, and forming friendships. Sure, there's an aspiring prima donna or two, but before long, the Carter House girls are dating, fighting, laughing, shopping, and sharing...their deepest secrets. DJ may not turn into the young woman her grandmother intended her to be, but one thing's for sure with all these new 'sisters,' her life will never be the same!
Stealing Bradford: The Carter House girls are just getting to know one another when the subject of boys comes up. Rhiannon's dating Bradford, the most popular jock in school, Eliza's seeing Harry, and even DJ has dated Conner, although now he acts as if he doesn't like her. Boys aren't always easy to understand, but every girl in the house wants a boyfriend, and will do just about anything to get one. So when Taylor decides to put the moves on Bradford, Rhiannon is shocked and hurt. Mistakes are made and feelings battered . . . there is forgiveness for some and bitterness for others...but at the end of the day, the girls learn a valuable lesson about what it means to be a family