Break the ice and warm up your group - at meetings, parties, studies, or any other youth group event - with one of these 230 crowd breakers and mixers! MIXERS - Make is fun for kids to get acquainted! Lots of creative ways for a group of strangers or classmates to circulate and learn a lot about each other in a little time. MEETING-OPENING CONTESTS - All you need usually are two or three brave souls to jump feet first into a crazy competition while the group watches - like Greasepuff (page 55) or Foot Signing (page 112). MUSICAL CROWD BREAKERS - Your youth will enjoy these engaging musical openers. All you usually need is a tape deck or CD player. QUIZZES & WORD GAMES - Quizzes with absolutely no academic consequences, but loaded with crowd breaking potential (and lots of laughs, too). If you're a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp - Crowd Breakers & Mixers is your storehouse of proven, youth group tested ideas.