The English Reformers were those Englishmen who, in the half century that began about 1520, confessed that Jesus Christ is the complete and only mediator between God and men, and who therefore endeavored to shape he doctrine and practice of the Church that her earthly existence should correspond to the truth of its existence. This volume of the The Library of Christian Classics includes many of the writings from the interesting time in the history of the Church. Ten works are included in the volume including To the True and Faithful Congregation of Christ's Universal Church by John Foxe and The Exposition of the First Epistle of Saint John by William Tyndale. 360 Pages. Softcover from Westminster John Knox Press.
The Library of Christian Classics has long been acclaimed for its quality translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes. The series ensures that modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological works written before the end of the sixteenth century are available for scholars and students, allowing contemporary readers to mine the theological riches of the Christian church though the centuries.