International Children's Bible Dictionary: A Fun and Easy-to-Use Guide to the Words, People, and Places in the Bible - eBook
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International Children's Bible Dictionary: A Fun and Easy-to-Use Guide to the Words, People, and Places in the Bible - eBook
Sometimes figuring out what the words in the Bible mean is confusing, even for grown-ups. This dictionary is an excellent tool to help children more fully understand God's Word. Simple definitions, maps, charts, and many other features make learning about the Bible fun and interesting for young readers. You'll find definitions and explanations of important Bible words, and over 200 photos, maps and charts. It also has helpful tools for learning including the Jewish calendar, scriptural titles for Christ, the miracles of Jesus, and the monies of the Bible, as well as modern-day equivalence charts of the calendar, money, weights and measures. A timeline of biblical history and Scripture references for each entry help put the information in perspective. Recommended for ages 8 to 14.