Jesus Christ and His Revelation Revised and Updated: Commentary and Bible Study on the Book of Revelation
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Jesus Christ and His Revelation Revised and Updated: Commentary and Bible Study on the Book of Revelation
Author: Ronald A. Clower Retail Price: $25.45 Our Price: $25.45
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Jesus Christ and His Revelation is a revised and updated edition to the original 2017 publication. The book presents a concise verse-by-verse study of the Apostle John's Revelation of Jesus Christ, i.e., the New Testament book of Revelation. Its purpose is to make the study of Revelation comprehensive but not complex, thorough yet easy to follow. Bible commentary, related subject lessons, charts and illustrations, and frequently asked questions (FAQ) taken from years of teaching combine to add redundancy and visual appeal to the study. The book is written to appeal to Bible students of all ages, young adults through seniors. Review questions and up-to-date discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter for the purpose of personal reflection or to facilitate classroom discussion in group study settings.