Theology and Practice of Evangelism: A Biblical Training Class (on MP3 CD)Author: Robert Tuttle Retail Price: $9.95
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Dr. Tuttle teaches three critical points around evangelism: how to share your faith story, what evangelism is and how to approach it, and that God has more invested in evangelism than we do - He is in control. God is at work. He wants us to, 'show up and pay attention [to the Spirit],' and to care about people enough to 'press' them by asking probing questions about what they think and what's going on in their lives.Evangelism is essentially about the core of the Gospel, ministering in your sphere of influence and sustaining those you reach. *This product is a CD containing MP3 audio lectures. Some CD player models may not be able to read the disc. It is recommended that you use a computer or any other MP3-CD compatible device to play.*This product is a CD containing MP3 audio glectures. Some CD player models may not be able to read the >disc. It is recommended that you use a computer or any other MP3-CD compatible device to play.
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