20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 9-12 Teacher's GuideAuthor: Jules Verne Retail Price: $12.99
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This teacher's guide accompanies the sold-separately novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, as well as the Novel Units 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Student Packet. Including a number of teacher's helps, exercises, discussion questions, assessment tools, graphic organizers, writing and art ideas, critical thinking challenges, extension activities, glossary and more, this book is a convenient guide to facilitating discussion. Background information includes a summary, information about the author, and ideas for initiating activity; the discussion questions follow the chapters in the book. Page numbers are included, which reference the edition quoted in the front cover. [Puffin Classics paperback edition, abridgement by Robin Waterfield, published by Viking Penguin, copyright 1986. ISBN: 0-14-035053-5.] Please note that the student packet includes the answers to the student book, not this teacher's edition. Softcover. Grades 9 – 12.
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