A Survey of the New Testament: 4th Edition / New edition - eBook
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A Survey of the New Testament: 4th Edition / New edition - eBook
Author: Robert H. Gundry Retail Price: $20.99 Our Price: $20.99
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This revised edition of Robert H. Gundry's Survey of the New Testament goes beyond providing background information and technical introductory material and leads students to read the New Testament itself. Whenever possible general questions of introduction and background are tied to assigned readings covering the entire New Testament. In addition, comments on these readings help students with interpretation and follow the flow of thought from one passage to another. Features include:
New design with four-color format and more photos and improved maps
Chapters begin with list, of study goals and end with summary, overview and of people, places, terms to remember, and review questions
Outlines, section headings, subheadings, and bolded items make it easy to follow structure of discussion
Phonetic pronunciations for unfamiliar names and terms
Breakouts with illustrative quotes from ancient, nonbiblical literature
Discussion questions on the contemporary relevance of the New Testament
Updated bibliographies
Conservative evangelical theological perspective also notes other positions and literature