Rapture: The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind!
Author: David B. Currie Retail Price: $24.95 Our Price: $22.46
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Author David Currie grew up convinced that one day all true Christians will suddenly be snatched up to heaven, the unfortunate souls left behind by this 'rapture' will endure seven horrible years of tribulation, at the end of which Christ will return to earth for a glorious thousand-year reign. Today, millions of Christians accept this end-times theology, assuming - as Currie did - that the Bible clearly teaches it. Many plan their whole lives around it. But, after studying Scripture for decades, Currie has come to see that if you accept the Bible, you have to reject the rapture. In these remarkable pages - which constitute the world's most careful and thorough scriptural study of the rapture - Currie demonstrates why. He considers all the relevant verses (and there are hundreds!) and explains them in the light of ancient history, the writings of the earliest Christians, and the claims of rapturist theologians. With painstaking thoroughness, he unlocks the meanings of the key biblical prophecies that culminate in Christ's Messianic Kingdom - including those verses in Daniel, Matthew, and Revelation that rapturists turn to most.