Wigglesworth: The Complete Story: A New Biography Of The Apostle Of Faith - eBookAuthor: Julian Wilson Retail Price: $8.99
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In the two thousand years since the birth of Christianity, few individualshave made such an impact on the world for the Gospel asthe Yorkshire born plumber turned evangelist, Smith Wigglesworth.Multitudes were saved worldwide as he ministered, and miracles ofhealing and deliverance occurred that have rarely been witnessedsince the days of the apostles. As Barry Chant has commented: 'It cansafely be said that no one has ever had a ministry quite like his.'Numerous volumes of his sermons and teachings, as well as a numberof accounts of his life have been published and the interest in Wigglesworthcontinues to grow. He founded no movement, authored nobooks (although several were published in his name), had no offi cialdisciples, and no doctrine or theological college bears his name, butthrough his audacious faith and spectacular healing ministry, Wigglesworthfanned the fl ames of revival in countries throughout the world.Thousands came to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour, receiveddivine healing and were delivered from demonic oppression and possessionas a result of his ministry.
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