Mythology, Novel Units Student Book, Grades 9-12Author: Edith Hamilton Retail Price: $13.99
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The Novel Unit curriculum is comprised of this Student Packet, and a sold-separately Mythology Novel Units Teacher's Guide. The Book 'Mythology' by Edith Hamilton must be purchased separately. A few pre-reading activities are included to gauge a student's familiarity with the context of the novel. Once the student has began reading the novel, graphic organizers, vocabulary activities, review and comprehension questions, quizzes, a final test, puzzles, project and essay ideas are included. Exercises help students focus on literary and character analysis, as well as critical thinking and comprehension skills. Student questions reference the edition quoted in the front cover [Penguin Group/Mentor softcover, copyright 1940, 1942 by Edith Hamilton, renewed 1969 by Doris Fielding Reid]. 44 reproducible for classroom use pages, softcover. A line-listed answer key includes answers for the study questions, activities, and comprehension quiz. Grades 9-12.
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