No one knows or loves your kids like you do, right? After all, isn't that why you take an active part in your kids' education? And no one knows education like Scholastic! Now Scholastic joyously introduces their Joyful Learning series of instructional resources geared to help parents like you offer sound instruction in basic skills to their kids. With every Joyful Learning resource, you'll discover... Support with daily planning and long-range goals Fresh ideas for teaching age-appropriate skills Great ways to reinforce learning Exciting, inviting, and involving activities Solid ways to measure kids learning Nurture a love of learning and a lifetime of basic skills for your kids with Joyful Learning series-solid, wholesome help for home-educators. Many students have difficulty with grammar in both oral and written language. Since grammar is a basic tool of communication, it is essential that students master these concepts. The pages in this book offer practice and reinforcement. More importantly, these pages provide opportunities to use grammar concepts in appealing writing assignments.