God and Cancel Culture: Stand Strong Before It's Too LateAuthor: Stephen E. Strang Retail Price: $24.99
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Things are chaotic in America. Liberal policies are advancing. A rash of executive orders appears to be moving the nation closer to socialism and a one-world government. And conservatives, including many Christians, are being censored as never before. There's even a term-cancel culture-which 64 percent of Americans believe poses a threat to their freedom, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. (Among Republicans, that figure is even higher at 80 percent.) The term applies to all conservatives who oppose the politically correct crowd, but it's part of a bigger effort to cancel Christianity and those who espouse biblical principles. It almost seems this is the beginning of the end and the Antichrist will appear at any time. You pick the cultural or political issue, and there likely is not even the semblance of widespread agreement. It seems that Christians are in an unprecedented season of fragmentation, potential division, and actual separation on many fronts. Instead of going forward, much of the church seems to be moving backward or standing still, waiting for what's next.
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