El libro de Daniel es, sin duda, uno de los libros de la Biblia mas difmciles de entender. Quizas no hay otro libro del canon sagrado que haya sido atacado mas apasionadamente que el de Daniel. Sus profecmas han recibido toda clase de interpretacisn. Francisco Lacueva, en el prslogo de esta obra, dice que este comentario 'va a ser de enorme provecho a todos los estudiantes de la profecma, por la rectitud de su lmnea exegitica, por la constante apelacisn al original hebreo y arameo, por la claridad de la exposicisn, y por la enorme erudicisn bibliografica.'
The book of Daniel is, without a doubt, one of the most difficult books to understand in the whole Bible. There is perhaps no other book in the sacred canon that has been attacked more passionately than that of Daniel. Its prophecies have been opened to all kinds of interpretation. Francisco Lacueva, in the prologue of this book, says that this commentary 'will be enormously beneficial to all students of prophecy, because of the rectitude of its exegesis, that constant application of the original Hebrew and Aramaic, the clarity of exposition, and the enormous amount of bibliographical references.'