U.S. History Detective Book 1Author: Steven Greif Retail Price: $39.99
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US History Detective from the Critical Thinking Co. integrates critical thinking into American history based lessons. Perfect as a stand-alone textbook, supplemental activities, or a review course, questions require deeper analysis and ask for supporting evidence-both exercises that produce a deeper understanding of history and how to apply critical thinking! This book focuses on American history from the time of the first European explorers interacting with Native Americans through the Reconstruction Era following the Civil War. This textbook has both primary and secondary source information. Each lesson provides a passage students must read, followed by a series of questions. Questions are multiple choice, short answer, or short essay questions. Students are frequently asked to identify sentence evidence from the lesson that best supports the answer. Sample answers are provided which identify key points for the essays. In addition there are section review activities and some bonus activities. Skills based on Grade 8 social studies standards. Grades 8-12+ 330 Classroom-reproducible pages, softcover. Line-listed answer key included.
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