Visual Faith (Engaging Culture): Art, Theology, and Worship in Dialogue - eBook
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Visual Faith (Engaging Culture): Art, Theology, and Worship in Dialogue - eBook
Author: William A. Dyrness Retail Price: $22.00 Our Price: $13.20
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Can art enrich the Christian faith, or is it secular in nature? Is art idolatry and vanity, or can it be used to strengthen the church? In this book, grounded in sound historical and biblical research, William Dyrness offers an engaging look into the relationship between the church and the world of art. Faith and art were not always at odds. According to Dyrness, Israel believed that imagery and beauty reflected the perfect order created by God; likewise, early Christians used art to convey a sense of beauty and awe. Protestants, however, abandoned visual arts and imagery during the Reformation in favor of the written Word, and have only recently begun to reexamine art's role in Christianity and worship. Dyrness affirms this renewal and argues that art, if reflecting the order and wholeness of the world God created, can and should play an important role in modern Christianity.