Sons of Issachar for the 21st Century: Understanding God's Heart for Our Times
Author: Bill Lewis Retail Price: $16.49 Our Price: $16.49
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The astounding events we witness in our nation and around the world are part of a much larger picture with momentous implications. Discover the historical themes and spiritual threads behind today's current events, which point to the agenda on God's hearts for our generation: Does God have a unique purpose for America?; Could President George W. Bush have a divine calling for this hour?; Why should I care about Israel and the Jewish people?; What is the goal of resurgent, militant Islam? Do Muslims worship the same God we do? Does it matter?; What can history tell us about the clash of civilizations and worldviews looming before us?; Can our prayers really make a difference? Take an eye-opening walk through the pages of history and the Bible with Bill Lewis, a passionate and articulate prayer warrior. You'll gain surprising and powerful insights into the events of our generation. This book is a stirring call to faith and an illuminating journey that you'll never forget.