The Chosen: Y les darand#233 descanso (The Chosen: I Will Give You Rest, Spanish)Author: Jerry B. Jenkins Retail Price: $19.99
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Para los fariseos, Jesús es un blasfemo. Para las autoridades romanas, es una amenaza para su gobierno y orden. Pero, para las masas, es un sanador milagroso y un maestro profundo. En este tercer libro de la serie The Chosen [Los elegidos], vemos a Jesús sanando a los enfermos, predicando el Sermón de la Montaña, alimentando a los cinco mil y resucitando a los muertos. Observamos a sus enemigos cada vez más decididos a silenciarlo. Y vemos a sus muy humanos discípulos luchando con sus propias preguntas e inquietudes, creyendo, pero aún sin comprender a su Mesías. Basado en la aclamada serie de video The Chosen, la historia más sorprendente jamás contada, la vida de Jesús, alcanza una narrativa fresca y nueva del autor de éxito de ventas del New York Times, Jerry B. Jenkins. --- To the Pharisees, Jesus is a blasphemer. To the Roman authorities, he's a threat to their rule and order. But to the masses, he's a miraculous healer and a profound teacher. In this third novel based on The Chosen Season 3, we see Jesus healing the sick, preaching the Sermon on the Mount, feeding the five thousand, and raising the dead. We see his enemies growing ever more determined to silence him. And we see his very human disciples struggling with their own questions and concerns, believing in but not yet understanding their Messiah. More than retelling the story, The Chosen Season 3 novel And I Will Give You Rest takes you deeper into the hearts and minds of the show's intriguing characters like Simon, Eden, Mary Magdalene, and Judas.
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