Pastors, teachers, Bible schools and colleges, and study groups will benefit from these fines expositions. Based on the English text (KJV), Dr. Gromacki uses his expertise and gifting to present the meaning of the epistle in a clear and straight-forward manner. Necessary technical matters and notes on the Greek are included, but they are confined to the footnotes. These books are divided into thirteen chapters, each of which is followed by challenging discussion question. CONTENTS: List of Illustrations Preface Introduction The Necessity of Sufferings The Expression of Spiritual Concern The SUperiority of the Gospel MInistry The Glory of the Gospel Ministry The Motivation for the Ministry The Purity of the Ministry The Cares of the ministry The Welfare Collection The Characeristics of Biblical Giving The Defense of Paul's Apostleship The Folloy of Religious Bragging The Glory of Paul's Suffering The Preparations for Paul's Visit Selected Bibliography