Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, and Protestant Theology
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Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, and Protestant Theology
Author: Michael P. DeJonge Retail Price: $154.38 Our Price: $154.38
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer's dramatic biography, a son of privilege who suffered imprisonment and execution after involving himself in a conspiracy to kill Hitler and overthrow the Third Reich, has helped make him one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century. But before he was known as a martyr or a hero, he was a student and teacher of theology.
Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, and Protestant Theology examines the academic formation of Dietrich Bonhoeffer theology, arguing that the young Bonhoeffer reinterpreted for a modern intellectual context the Lutheran understanding of the 'person' Jesus Christ. In the process, Bonhoeffer not only distinguished himself from both Karl Barth and Karl Holl, whose dialectical theology and Lutheran interpretation respectively were two of the most important post-World War I theological movements, but also established the basic character of his own 'personal-theology.'