Canticles of the Body: A Meditation on the Liturgical CycleAuthor: Chris Ellery Retail Price: $22.00
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Through years of repetition, the feasts and fasts of the liturgical cycle imprint an indelible pattern on the psyche of the Christian. This archetype of spiritual revolution, deeply experienced, revitalizes the body in the many senses of that word. Immersed in the Perennial Tradition, Canticles of the Body superimposes the Christian calendar with the Vedic anatomy of Kundalini Yoga to create an extended meditation on Imago Dei. As the Shakti ascends from the body’s root to the lotus of divine union, the faithful Christian, in company with all the devoted, travels from anticipation in Advent to identification with Christ the King. On one level, Canticles of the Body is a pilgrim’s adventure in the charisms of the body; on another, it is the universal journey of the soul through the seasons of a holy life. All who take the path of these canticles will surely see incarnation and communion with fresh vision while (re)discovering the familiar pattern of the yearly cycle.
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