In Dog Show Disaster, reality TV star Allie Carroway is in over her head. When Allie is unanimously elected by her schoolmates as the Student Project Manager of this year's end-of-the-year school carnival she is excited. Her friends and family love her idea of having a dog show as part of the festivities and know it will be the perfect way to raise money for the local animal shelter. But almost immediately things start going haywire---big and small disasters start to happen, and soon Allie cannot imagine how the Ouachita Middle School Bark Fest can possibly be a success. Through the super support of the Carroway cousins, family, and friends, and a strong faith and trust that God knows exactly what is needed, things start to turn around. . . but not without more than a few hurdles, including a bit of bullying and rivalries along the way. Recommended for ages 8 to 12 years.