Everyday Debate and Discussion Student Edition - Slightly ImperfectAuthor: Shelley Johnson Retail Price: $31.95
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Everyday Debate: A Guide to Socratic Conversation, Information Discussion, and Formal Debate from Classical Academic Press introduces students to the basics of debate, logic, style, arrangement, and the practical details of debate. Whether your students welcome debate as an adventure or shrink from debate or disagreement, this workbook will give students confidence in discussing their opinions and open their eyes to the benefit of debate, disagreement, and discussion in both everyday life and in formal debate settings. This course is perfect for teachers leading a debate team or class, teachers who want to create a truly dialectical environment, and teachers who wish to add more robust discussion and debate into class-time. This book not only shows students how to conduct informal and formal debates, but also how to develop good arguments by using solid logic, their own thinking skills, and tools from the world around them. Six units (26 chapters) cover topics in depth, with new words bolded and defined, footnotes for reference, and sidebar notes as needed. Students read the instructional text before completing review exercises, 'everyday debate' exercises, and 'learning from the masters' assignments. 295 pages, softcover. Consumable and non-reproducible. High school. Slightly Imperfect.
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