In a little over a century, the Pentecostal movement has traveled the globe and, either directly or indirectly, has impacted and influenced every quarter of Christendom. At its heart this movement bears witness to a contemporary experience of divine-human encounter in line with the prophetic claims of the Old Testament and the Pentecost testimony of the New. Indeed, this kind of encounter with the power, presence, and Spirit of God is transformative enough, at both personal and corporate levels, to evoke a new way of seeing the world and, with it, a new way of reading the Word. In Voice, Word, and Spirit: A Pentecostal Old Testament Survey, professors Rickie Moore and Brian Peterson serve as deft guides, presenting thoughtful readers with an overview of the Old Testament that is explicitly engaged with the faith and practice of the charismatic spirituality and the academic scholarship that has been generated by this contemporary, global, Christian Pentecostal movement. Moore and Peterson invite students, lay readers, and pastors alike to approach Scripture with the expectation of encountering and being addressed by a Living Voice—flipping the primary goal of biblical study from us interpreting Scripture to Scripture interpreting us. In addition to treating each Old Testament book individually, this textbook offers a brief chapter-length introduction to each of the four major book collections, as standardized in the Protestant Bible's arrangement of Old Testament Scriptures: 1) Pentateuch; 2) Historical Books; 3) Poetical Books; and 4) Prophets.
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