A Heart Promptly Offered: The Revolutionary Leadership of John CalvinAuthor: David Hall Retail Price: $32.99
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This introduction to the life, leadership, and thought of John Calvin presents the Geneva Reformer in his own words, unedited by the selective biases of hostile---and customarily uninformed---critics. In the process, it gives a fair and honest hearing to one of the most significant shapers of modern culture.Few today realize that John Calvin led pioneering efforts to decentralize government by calling for checks and balances against the rule of the few or the king. Equally unknown are his efforts to establish a productive social safety-net for immigrants, create educational models that were far ahead of his time, and instill a sense of self-worth in all citizens (regardless of their occupations or class). He was also known for his support of free markets, the rise of private enterprise, and the advancement of publishing and knowledge beyond its medieval confines. The result of his efforts was an explosion of culture and liberty--a story that often is lost or ignored in the rush to offer criticism of the man. A Heart Promptly Offered presents the basic story of Calvin's life, along with numerous excerpts from his own pen---writings from his letters, commentaries, and sermons. In addition to summarizing the main topics of Calvin's Institutes, it lays out his ground-breaking political theory, which is an unparalleled contribution to human freedom. In addition to glimpses into his personal life, it also includes much about his friendships, his struggles, and his literary interests. The result is a nontechnical volume that introduces the life, character, and legacy of John Calvin---one of the most significant figures in history.
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