Weaving medical narrative and cutting-edge science, Dr. Mimi Guarneri explores the frontiers beyond the physical heart. Despite remarkable interventional and surgical procedures, over 650,000 new heart attacks occur annually. With groundbreaking new research, Dr. Guarneri skillfully blends the science and drama of the heart's unfolding. She reveals the heart as a multilayered, complex organ and explores the new science that indicates the heart acts as a powerhouse of its own, possessing intelligence, memory, and decision-making abilities that are separate from the mind.
She leads us on a riveting exploration of the heart's mysteries, such as why heart transplant recipients may suddenly display unique characteristics of their donor or why someone who has normal coronary arteries may experience a heart attack. For it is only by knowing the whole heart - the mental heart, affected by hostility, stress, and depression; the emotional heart, able to be crushed by loss; the intelligent heart, with a nervous system all its own; the spiritual heart, which yearns for a higher purpose; and the universal heart, which communicates with others - that we can truly heal.