Math in Focus Homeschool Kit, Grade K (2020 Edition)Retail Price: $293.46
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Build your child’s mathematical understanding with the Singapore method. Math In Focus 2020’s concrete-pictorial-abstract learning cycle develops a solid foundation in math concepts, problem-solving, and critical thinking using strategies such as visual models, abstract symbols, and hands-on learning. This Homeschool Bundle includes essential student materials and teacher resources for a full year of math. Five softcovers. Kindergarten The 2-volume Student Editions provides students with daily opportunities for Semester 1 to build conceptual understanding, share problem-solving experiences, develop fluency, acquire mathematical language, and consolidate skills to achieve mastery. Performance Tasks provide formative assessment opportunities to evaluate comprehension. The 2-volume Teacher Editions give instructional support, questioning techniques, and keys to facilitating conceptual understanding. Each chapter begins with a background overview followed by a skills trace, teaching resources with model problems, as well as an in-depth planning guide. Teacher and Student Activity Cards allow kindergarten students to easily manipulate pictorial and symbolic representations of quantity, shape, and other attributes. 84 cardstock cards. The Assessment Guide Teacher Edition provides summative assessments with answer keys and recommended scoring rubrics. It contains a Chapter Test for each chapter and Cumulative Reviews that cover multiple chapters. This Homeschool Bundle includes: - Student Edition, Volumes A & B
- Teacher Edition, Volumes A & B
- Assessment Guide Teacher’s Edition
- Student Teacher Activity Cards
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