Discover! Social Studies Grade 4 Assessment BookletRetail Price: $12.95
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Encourage independence and curiosity with Discover! curriculum from Edovate Learning. With a focus on mastering essential 21st century skills, Discover! blends scenario-based learning, visual lessons and hands-on activities, connections with prior learning, critical thinking, and character building to give your student the knowledge to explore and thrive. Discover! Social Studies covers key moments in history from the 1600s to 1700s, American Democracy, growth in the East, expansion in the West, slavery, and the Civil War. The Assessments Booklet contains two types of chapter tests that cover 5 – 10 lessons each. Students have the option of completing a project or task or a traditional assessment with multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions. Helpful student rubrics are included to guide students as they complete the assessments. Answer keys and grading rubrics are in the Instructor Guide (sold separately). Softcover. Grade 4.
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