Breaking the Huddle: How Your Community Can Grow Its Witness - eBookAuthor: Don Everts, Doug Schaupp and Val Gordon Retail Price: $19.99
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Though we believe in outreach, most Christian communities tend to turn inward, focusing on our own needs and developing insular groups lacking many relationships with outsiders. The result is occasional evangelism and rare conversations. Don Everts, Val Gordon, and Doug Schaupp's Breaking the Huddle applies the insights regarding the five thresholds of postmodern conversion forwarded in Everts and Schaupp's groundbreaking book, I Once Was Lost, to demonstrate how whole communities can move from huddled communities into witnessing and conversion communities, where evangelistic growth becomes the new normal. Our churches and fellowships can become places where evangelism is not done by a just few people, but where the whole community itself becomes a winsome, thriving witness to those around it. Break out of the huddle. Find out how.
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