Video Text Interactive Algebra Course F: Teacher's Guide
Author: Tom Clark Retail Price: $15.00 Our Price: $12.99
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The VideoText Algebra program addresses two of the most important aspects of mathetmatics instruction. First, the inquiry based video format contributes to the engaging of students more personally in the concept development process. Through the frquent use of the pause button, you as the instructor, can virtually require interaction and dialogue on the part of your student. As well, students who work on their own, can 'simulate' having an instructor present by pausing the tape every time a question is asked and trying to answer it correctly before continuing. Second, each incremental concept is explored in detail, using no shortcuts, tricks, rules or formulas, and no step in the process is ignored. As such, the logic and continuity of the development assures students that they understand completely. This instructor's guide gives detailed solution for progress tests, so that all answers are explained to help your student further understand the material.